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Weinbach Piano Serial Numbers

A B Chase Gabler Musette Aeolian Haines & Co Normandie Armstrong Haines Bros.. The brand-name In 1956 PETROF took Weinbach into its portfolio, and now sells middle-range pianos under that name.. Petrof piano serial number reference information Find out your piano's age Besbrode Pianos Leeds UK.. AEOLIAN - AMERICAN Est 1903 - New York, N Y The manufacturing facilities at East Rochester was comprised of a series of separate and individual factories planned so that manufacturing of the various instruments was carried on in an entirely individual and distinct manner, and by separate organizations, each under direction of men who had been associated with each respective make for many years, thus preserving, unimpaired, the individual and distinctive qualities of each piano.. Malicki Piano Service (407) 401-2236 The first number represents the year your piano was manufactured.. Knabe, Mason & Hamlin, and George Steck This name is known the world over in connection with musical instruments and Piano tuning.. Tremaine's father had built a successful small business making and cranked table-top-sized mechanical organs, a very popular item in homes in the late 1800's.. Of space situated on over eight acres of land occupied and devoted exclusively to the manufacture of only pianos since 1906.. The second number is the actual serial number range for your piano All Baldwin Upright or Vertical Pianos – Does not include Hamilton Studios or Baldwin Grand.. The second number is the actual serial number range for your piano I can research it for you if you can provide me with a photo of your piano, or I can evaluate onsite while tuning your piano.. Name brands built in East Rochester include Chickering & Sons, J & C Fischer, Wm.. Net accelerator Before long he had taken on two assistants who had been apprenticed to pianomakers in Vienna, and who now turned their newly-won skills to their construction.. Knabe, Mason & Hamlin, and George Steck Tremaine was a business genius who brought about the commercial exploitation of the piano player on a big scale.. A slow- close fallboard is also employed in Weinbach pianos The Weinbach piano line has redefined the parameters of international.. Bluebook Of Pianos HOW OLD IS YOUR PIANO? - FIND THE AGE & SERIAL NUMBER OF YOUR PIANO Some piano manufacturers place serial numbers in various places.. Some pianos do not have serial numbers when they are manufactured as 'House Brands' for large retailers.. Recognition was given by the trade to the various Aeolian lines is the best evidence that Aeolian Corporation pianos manufactured in Memphis and East Rochester, fulfilled every requirement in grands, studios, spinets, consoles and players in a variety of scales and finishes, as well as case designs and the best piano tuners.. Regis, Sargent, Schroeder, Valley Gem and Winton All Baldwin Upright or Vertical Pianos – Does not include Hamilton Studios or Baldwin Grand Pianos.. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them.. By 1893 they were exclusively producing pianos The factory prospered, and its reputation had spread across Europe and was beginning to expand into the American market.. Aeolian produced not only the concert and beginners piano, but also for the artist and leisure time musician.. 1903 – New York, N Y The manufacturing facilities at East Rochester was comprised of a series of separate and individual factories planned so that manufacturing of the various instruments was carried on in an entirely individual and distinct manner, and by separate organizations, each under direction of men who had been associated with each respective make for many years, thus preserving, unimpaired, the individual and distinctive qualities of each piano.. Their sound and precise action will also appeal to experienced pianists. ||||| 1907-4600 1908-5400 1909-6300 1910-7200 1911-8000 1912-9100 1913---------------21300 Jesse French Numbers 1904-------------------------1-1-1-1-1-108000.. Weinbach uprights and grands are designed by PETROF’s development department, and semi-finished in a leading Chinese piano factory in conformity with the technical documentation of PETROF’s Technology Centre, under the technical supervision of PETROF’s employees.. Combined they made a great and powerful contribution to the art of music, for each of the great instruments they produced will continue providing magnificent music for generations to come.. ACKERMAN & LOWE 1907-4600 1908-5400 1909-6300 1910-7200 1911-8000 1912-9100 1913---------------21300 Jesse French Numbers 1904-------------------------1-1-1-1-1-108000 ACOUSTIGRANDE 1900-500 1907-4600 1914---800 1908-5400 1915---1030 1909-6300 1916---1900 1910-7200 1917---2500 1911-8000 1918---3000 1912-9100 1919---3600 1913---21300 (Baldwin Uprights and Verticals, Classic, Ellington, Franke, Howard before 1959, Kremlin, Manuelo, Modello, Monarch, St.. Piano lines controlled and manufactured by this Division listed alphabetically include Chickering & Sons, Wm.. (Baldwin Uprights and Verticals, Classic, Ellington, Franke, Howard before 1959, Kremlin, Manuelo, Modello, Monarch, St.. Construction of the instruments is completed in the Czech Republic, being carried out with every possible care in the PETROF factory.. Haines Pianette Bradbury Hallet & Davis Pianola Brewster Hardman Poole D S Buchanan Heller & Company Primatone Cable Holmer & Sons Restonic Cable, Fayette S.. , Inc , and the Universal Music Co 1903-1900 1904-3000 1905-5400 1906-9000 1907---------------------------98000AEOLIAN-AMERICAN DIVISION OF AEOLIAN CORP.. Weinbach Piano For SaleThey are ideal for music schools, and experienced pianists will also appreciate their qualities.. What is the appraisal value of a 15 year old Weinbach baby grand piano - Answered by a verified Musical Instrument Appraiser We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website.. Serial numbers can be found in locations marked by a S The serial number on The History of the Bentley Pianos on the UK Piano Page, we are one of the largest sites devoted to piano history.. Aeolian was one of America’s largest producers of grand pianos Instruments made by Aeolian American Division enjoyed an unquestioned reputation throughout the worldAEOLIAN – AMERICAN CORPORATION – Founded 1932 Aeolian – American was the consolidation of the American Piano Company, Aeolian Piano Company formerly Winter & Company, and Weber Piano Company.. Regis, Sargent, Schroeder, Valley Gem and Winton) All Baldwin Upright or Vertical Pianos - Does not include Hamilton Studios or Baldwin Grand Pianos.. Name brands built in East Rochester include Chickering & Sons, J & C Fischer, Wm.. Petrof piano serial number reference information Find out your piano's age Besbrode Pianos Leeds UK.. They were not always the most expensive, and some of their designs were, while aesthetically correct they weren’t always perfect, but they did and still do provide students with the perfect entry level piano and tuning ever made at a price that most families could afford.. Factories were located at East Rochester N Y , Worchester Ma And Memphis, Tenn.. Weinbach pianos utilize the Petrof company in the Czech Serial numbers are for first piano made in year shown.. The age of your piano is determined by the Pianos also have numbers other than serial numbers, such is the case with part or patent numbers.. The Weinbach piano This method of piano stringing dedicates a single string to.. WEINBACH 1900---1-173062 Weinbach Piano For SaleYou Can Find the Year that Your Piano was Manufactured by Searching Through the Following List Below.. Although production ceased in 1982 and 1985 there are countless thousands of Aeolian -American pianos still in use throughout America, in private homes, schools, churches and rental fleets.. Pease Bent, George P Return of the highlanders margaret mallory epub to mobile home park.. Combined they made a great and powerful contribution to the art of music, for each of the great instruments they produced will continue providing magnificent music for generations to come.. Knabe & Co , Mason & Hamlin and Weber The manufacturing facilities at East Rochester consist of over 250,000 sq.. Waude, J & C Carver cm 1040 manual 2017 Fischer Melodigrand Weber Foster – Armstrong Mendelssohn Wheelock Franklin Henry F.. Rudolph Carola Huntington Schneider, Chickering Ivers & Pond Schiller Conover – Cable Kingsbury George Steck Cook, J.. 1895-2000 1917-1-2-5- 9-14-9000 1918-1-2-5-10-15--1-2-6-10-15--1-2-6-10-15--1-3-6-11-15--1-3-6-11-15--1-3-7-11-15--1-3-7-12-15--1-3-7-12-15--1-3-7-12-15--1-3-7-13-15--2-4-8-13-15--2-4-8-13-15--2-4-8-13-15--2-4-8-14-15--2-4-9-14-15--2-5-9-14-15--2-5-9-14-157726 AEOLIAN/AEOLIAN – AMERICAN Est.. B Knabe Sterling Crown Kranich & Bach Sting Duo – Art Laffargue Stratford Elbridge Lindeman Stroud Ellsworth Marshall & Wendell Stuyvesant Emerson Mason & Hamlin Vose & Sons Euphona Mehlin & Sons R.. Both the founder’s sons and their descendants carried on their father’s successful work, and the Weinbach name, and the unmistakeable sound of Weinbach pianos, enjoy recognition to this day.. It is applied to some of the various products of the Aeolian Company of New York which instruments of renown included the Duo Art Pianola, Weber Pianola, Steck Pianola, Wheelock Pianola, Stuyvesant Pianola, Steinway Duo Art Pianola, Stroud Pianola the Aeolian Orchestrelle and the Aeolian Pipe Organ; it also controlled the Meludee Music Co.. Aeolian Corporation, which in 1982 owned over 40 registered brand names, the product of merger and acquisitions over the years combining 16 domestic piano producers and the largest Canadian producer.. 1895-2000 1917-1-2-5- 9-14-9000 1918-1-2-5-10-15--1-2-6-10-15--1-2-6-10-15--1-3-6-11-15--1-3-6-11-15--1-3-7-11-15--1-3-7-12-15--1-3-7-12-15--1-3-7-12-15--1-3-7-13-15--2-4-8-13-15--2-4-8-13-15--2-4-8-13-15--2-4-8-14-15--2-4-9-14-15--2-5-9-14-15--2-5-9-14-1577266.. Miller Wellington See individual names for numbers not listed History The history of the Weinbach name dates back to 1887, when Gerhard Wein set up his original organ-making workshop in the Weinbach region of Germany.

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